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May 31 2023

MDO Seminar 2023

NRDC-ITA hosted the MDO seminar with the participation of exceptional guests and briefers.
Solbiate Olona, 31 May 2022 - The Graduated Readiness Forces and HQs adaptation to MDO seminar organized by the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (NRDC-ITA) ended today in Solbiate Olona, at Ugo Mara barracks.
The event was attended by a large part of the NRDC-ITA staff and qualified representatives of High Command, NATO Centers of Excellence and high national and international specialist centers.
The seminar is a part of the Italian Army General Staff's project aimed at developing Land capabilities for MDOs and was developed to create shared knowledge within NATO in a privileged forum, highlighting the importance of a multidomain approach in planning operations.
The NRDC-ITA Commander, Lieutenant General Lorenzo D'Addario, welcomed the guests and recalled how the initiative came from the need to examine the impact of the new domains, cybernetics of the electromagnetic and space spectrum, in an interaction with the classical ones.
The activity developed through a series of very interesting presentations to share the thought of specialists of the NATO Centers of Excellence, NATO and Italian Headquarters. Among others, the risks and windows of opportunity related to the use of this approach were illustrated as well as the lines of development of the Alliance.

The event, which sparked a lively debate, made it possible to increase awareness of the need to approach the increasingly complex operational scenario in an innovative way, confirming that the multidomain cannot be confined to the military field only, as underscored by General D'Addario in his final remarks.


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
21058 Solbiate Olona (VA) Italy

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