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Apr 12 2019

NRDC-ITA conducted the 2019 edition of the Eagle Eye seminar

The Eagle Eye Seminar has seen over 100 military leaders from within NRDC-ITA, affiliated, and subordinate units meet with senior leadership from NATO and Allied Command Structures to discuss various security related topics of interest to the Alliance.

With the aim of increasing awareness for military planners, expert speakers –from Italian Army General Staff, LANDCOM and US Army Command Europe – were invited to deliver presentations on subjects relating to the title of the seminar, “Enabling Maneuver in the Land Domain” before the participants broke away into syndicates to examine a number of potential scenarios.

Having recently completed its turn as NATO Response Force HQ, NRDC-ITA is now fully engaged in the process of realigning itself as a war fighting corps HQ. In order to meet the considerable threats of a 21st century battlefield, agile problem solving thinking is required and adaptations have being made across the Ugo Mara headquarters.

The two days seminar is an integral part of the training calendar for NRDC-ITA and reaffirms its role as a training hub for NATO as well as Italian units.

The flexibility of thought required to adapt the headquarters is aided by examining the real world events covered during the Eagle Eye Seminar. In addition the command team of NRDC-ITA continues to demand that their staff maintain vigilance on potential threats to the Alliance from whichever direction they may present themselves. In doing so, NRDC-ITA maintains a credible threat to the enemies of the Alliance and reinforces the core NATO aim of deterrence and collective defence.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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