Subject matter experts and interested parties from across NATO have traveled to Ugo Mara Barracks to undertake a Building Integrity Workshop.
The activity was aimed at revising the training requirements and the draft of NATO handbook for Building Integrity (BI) and saw the participation of representatives from NATO HQ International Staff, SHAPE, JFC Naples, MARCOM and the Center of Integrity in the Defence sector, as well as national representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Jordan and Qatar.
The 4-day workshop was mainly dedicated to the need to tackle corruption, recognising that a lack of integrity is a security risk at the tactical, operational and strategic levels, as it impedes operational effectiveness and degrades the reputation of security forces.
Moreover, the efforts of the attendees were not only focused on corruption as the symptom, but also considered it as a root cause for instability and global crises. This can have military consequences and as such has to be taken into account during the planning process for all future operations.
By understanding the importance of integrity in all military, economic and political activities, NATO is able to integrate these vital aspects into its training. This is under constant review in order to best prepare NATO forces for the complexity of modern operations.
Having recently completed its turn as NATO Response Force HQ, NRDC-ITA is currently realigning itself as a war fighting corps HQ. The considerable threats of a 21st century battlefield require agile problem solving, innovative solutions and the incorporation of best practice and thinking from across the Alliance. By hosting events such as the BI Workshop, NRDC-ITA is situating itself favorably to benefit from the leading thinking on this vital aspect of modern military activity.