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Jun 10 2022

MEL/MIL Incident Development Workshop at NATO JWC

Solbiate Olona, June 10, 2022. NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy conducted at NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) the Main Events List/Main Incidents List (MEL/MIL) Incident .

Development Workshop for Exercise STEADFAST JACKAL 2022 (STJA22). The aim of the workshop is to build a script that is fit for purpose in challenging the STJA22 training audiences at the operational and strategic levels.

The workshop involves nearly 80 external participants, including key trusted agents from across the STJA22 training audiences, Allied and partner nations, representatives from various NATO centres of excellence, external contractors, as well as over 45 subject matter experts, exercise planners and scenario developers from the JWC.

The JWC is responsible for delivery of STJA22 as Officer Directing the Exercise (ODE) this autumn. Sponsored by Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the exercise aims to primarily train and evaluate NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy for the NATO Response Force 2023 (NRF23) rotation.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
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