On Saturday, June 1st, at the Ugo Mara Barracks in Solbiate Olona, the second edition of NRDC ITA No Limits was held: a day entirely dedicated to the world of sports and disability, where all participants, without distinction, could challenge themselves side by side in various sports disciplines such as soccer, volleyball, rugby, baseball, hand biking, hockey, tennis, baskin, fencing, and many more.
The event opened with welcoming remarks from the NRDC-ITA Commander, Lieutenant General Lorenzo D'Addario, to the military and civilian authorities of the Province of Varese and the municipalities of the Valle Olona, a representation of the local student community, and the numerous athletes and guests from various sports associations who, by participating, aimed to testify and promote the value of inclusivity with their presence.

The event, which was sponsored by the Lombardia sections of the Italian Paralympic Committee, Special Olympics, and the Milano, Varese, and La Malpensa Panathlon Clubs, also featured two exceptional ambassadors: Riccardo Maino and Mattia Allesina, multi-award-winning Paralympic athletes, respectively world champion in artistic gymnastics and European champion in karate.